作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-03 13:16:17 浏览次数:20
Gone words
重点词汇逝言───Gone words
双语使用场景To verify the words are truly gone, I attempt to retrieve their definitions (see 5. Retrieving a word's definition for more information) and confirm that nothing comes back.───要验证单词真的被删除了,我要获取它们的定义(更多信息请参阅5 .获取单词的定义)并确定没有返回任何东西。
His face had gone black with rage, but he saw that they believed their words, and he was startled.───他气得脸色发黑,但他看到他们说的是实话,吃了一惊。
Elliott has gone a step further by finding a way to pick out what might be words and sentences.───艾略特更进一步了,他找到了一种辨别单词和句子的方法。
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