作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-03 13:15:26 浏览次数:23
By reading phrases
重点词汇读词───Reading words;组───group
双语使用场景words, we are thinking of the time, rather than reading words.───换言之,我们读的是思想内容,而不是在读字。
In research on trying to remember lists of words, these three methods have each produced memory improvements of 10% over simply reading words once.───在尝试记忆大量词汇的研究实验中,相较于只是简单的看一遍词汇,以上这三种方法每一种都能够使给被试者得到10%的记忆提升。
Whereas when reading, you are actively reading words and then converting them into visual information or meaning.───但在阅读的时候,你需要认真阅读,将其中的信息转化为可视信息理解其中的意思。
I began reading words when I was eight months old. By the time I was two, I had read Charlotte's Web.───我8个月开始识字,到两岁时,已经读过了《夏洛特的网》(Charlotte’sWeb)。
The page that the form is in should have text reading "Words: 0" and "Price: $25" .───本页面上的表格,应该有文字阅读“言:0”和“价格:$25”。
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