作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-05-28 07:38:12 浏览次数:43
A man of love
双语使用场景I knelt by the toilet and gagged.───我跪在马桶边作呕。
He heard the flush of a toilet.───他听到马桶的冲水声。
Wash your hands after using the toilet.───便后要洗手。
I try speaking to her in a fatherly way about the toilet seat. " Oh zut! "───如果你们这么怕,我就找一家 咖啡馆 去上厕所. ”
The living room connects with the toilet.───客厅与卫生间相连.
Go to the toilet. Go pee pee Go poo poo.───上厕所去小便去大便.
Oh, I must get some toilet paper and some paper napkins.───哦, 我还得买些卫生纸和纸餐巾.
That's Volume three , with an entire chapter about me forgotten to put down the toilet seat.───那已经是第三本了.其中整整一章是控诉我忘记放下马桶盖.