作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-26 09:34:16 浏览次数:28
A clear journey
重点词汇一路风清───A clear journey
双语使用场景production teams' job to reduce this into a clear, single journey, and to put our own stamp on it.───把影片缩减为一趟清晰明朗的旅程并把我们的热爱付诸其中成了制作组的工作。
Its main purpose is to give you a clear place to hold your thoughts, release your worries and fears, create hope within yourself, and see that you are making it through this journey.───日志的主要目的是把你的想法清清楚楚的写在一个地方,减轻你的担忧和害怕,在自己的心里建立起希望,看在你的人生旅途中你是怎样实现这些梦想的。
clear focus is the start of the journey, not the end," he said in the email.───明确重点是旅程的起始,而非终点,”他在邮件中写道。
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