作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-26 09:29:05 浏览次数:32
What I really like
双语使用场景You really have a thing or two.───你真有两下子.
When everything is running smoothly, why must he step in and foul thing up?───一切正在顺利进行时, 为什么他一定要插进去把事情弄糟 呢 ?
I'll do any thing within reason to oblige.───凡能做到的我都愿效劳[尽力].
They make a playful thing of me, use me for their amusement.───他们拿我当活宝, 利用我给他们找乐子.
Mary has been telling me a thing or two about the Russians.───玛丽告诉我不少关于俄国人的事.
What a dreadful thing to say!───话说得太难听了!
The damned thing won't start!───这该死的东西就是发动不起来!
Jane did such a thing, she is really as silly as a goose.───简竟然干出这种事, 她实在是太蠢了.
英语使用场景The shortest answer is doing the thing.
A bad thing never dies.
What an extraordinary thing to say!
What a damn fool thing to do!
The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.