作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-26 09:14:48 浏览次数:27
Civilized drama
双语使用场景As a result, Indus civilization people supplemented their diet with hunting.───结果是, 印度河流域的人们以打猎为生.
The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.───中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一.
Two hundred years seems like the blink of an eye in the history of Chinese civilization.───二百年时间在中国文明史上只不过是一瞬间.
Civilization is on the brink of apocalypse.───文明已濒临毁灭的边缘。
Each civilization is born, it culminates, and it decay.───各种文明都要历经诞生, 鼎盛和衰落.
The ancient civilization fellinto oblivion.───古代的文明被遗忘了.
I finally reached what we laughingly call civilization.───我终于到了我们戏称为文明之地的地方。
The book describes the march of civilization from ancient Egyptian times to the present.───该书描述了从古埃及时代至现代文化的发展情况.
英语使用场景Scraping away patiently in soil with their fingers, the team of scientists discovered the ruins of an ancient civilization.
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