作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-03 13:08:35 浏览次数:67
Raw or cooked
双语使用场景By living a blue moon with the Indians, he was assimilated to them in his thinking and actions.───由于长期和印第安人共同生活, 他在思想和行动上都被他们同化了.
Christianity is a living faith which has shaped the history of Britain.───基督教塑造了英国的历史,而且至今还有人信奉.
Though he was not dry behind the ears, he had to make a living by himself.───他虽未成年, 但得自己谋生.
He earns a living by casual labour.───他靠做临时工为生.
Better living conditions mean more live births and fewer stillbirths.───生活条件改善就会有较多的活产,较少的死产.
The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.───生活费的下降和工农业产品价格的下降有着密切关系.
We are living in the information era.───我们生活在信息时代.
academics living in ivory towers───生活在象牙塔中的学者
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