作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-03 12:37:37 浏览次数:28
Empty soil
重点词汇空土───Empty soil
双语使用场景My father made our special bed that we call it "Kang" using soil. Its middle is empty so that the fire from kitchen can pass it and make our "Kang" warm.───我的父亲用土做了一个特殊的床我们叫“炕”,它的中间是空的,这样来自厨房的火就可以通过它使炕能变暖。
These walls cut into the soil to accommodate two 'conventional and modern' volumes, connected by a corridor surrounding the empty greenhouse-stage.───这些墙壁切入土地,以便容纳两个“传统和现代”的体量,通过围绕空温室的走廊连接。
Yet much of the land—moist black soil and extraordinary verdure—was all but empty.───然而,这里的大部分土地——潮湿的黑土和格外的青翠——几乎空空如也。