作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-03 11:01:28 浏览次数:35
双语使用场景The sufferer may have to make major changes in his or her life to arrest the disease.───患者可能必须对生活习惯作出重大调整以控制病情。
The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest.───专员发出了对她的逮捕令.
She was kept under close arrest.───她被严密监禁。
Magee was set free but British authorities were asked to arrest him on sight.───马吉被释放了,但是英国当局却被要求一见到他就立即逮捕。
Nobody was cautioned after arrest.───被捕后,没有人被告知其法律权利。
The man was shot outside his house as he tried to resist arrest.───该男子在其住宅外拒捕时被击毙。
Some magistrates have abused their powers of arrest to extort confessions.───有些地方执法官滥用逮捕权进行逼供。
The main opposition leaders had been arrested or placed under house arrest.───主要反对派领导人都已经遭到逮捕或软禁。
英语使用场景The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest.
Police finally managed to overpower and arrest the gunman.
The police arrived to arrest him.
A policeman has the power to arrest a criminal.
The magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest.