作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-03 10:01:27 浏览次数:106
Small play
重点词汇小戏───Small play
双语使用场景My daughter has a few small play sets, ponies, art supplies and books.───我的女儿有几个小游戏集,小马,美术用品和书籍。
of him and himself only. We had a small play ground, and our cheerleading group used tree branches as pom poms.───我们有一个很小的操场,啦啦队用树枝当作荧光棒来加油。
I never learned how to play upon a lute; but I know how to raise a small and obscure city to glory and greatness.───我从不知如何弹奏鲁特琴;但我懂得如何使一座无名小镇发展成辉煌而伟大的城市。
Digital videos are labeled with small Play icons to distinguish them from digital still images.───数码视频都附有“播放”的小标识,以便和静止的数码相片区别开来。
The pitch is too small play football on.───球场太小了,无法踢足球。
the third one was roll play , 8 groups were set up including 3 - 4 individuals and each was assigned randomly a small play.───第三项是角色表演,共分成了8个组,每34人一组,并随机选取表演内容。