作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-03 09:51:06 浏览次数:34
All ages
重点词汇年龄段───age group;各种───various
双语使用场景Therefore, further study on different gender and soybean protein age group health effects.───因此, 还需进一步研究大豆蛋白对不同性别和年龄段人群的健康影响.
We organise dinners for six people in the same age group at around the area.───我们为六个兴趣相近年龄相仿的人在指定地区安排组织一次浪漫的晚餐.
This is food for each age group who will benefit.───这食物对每个年龄段的人都有好处.
Conclusion: maybe different age group has their own favorite, cartoon included.───总结: 可能不同的年龄组都有自己的最爱, 卡通也包含其中.
The higher the income of others in one's age group , the lower one's happiness.───自己所在群体中其他人的收入越高, 你就越不容易感到幸福.
men in the older age group───较年长组别的男子
She is among the most promising players in her age group.───在她那个年龄组中她是最有前途的选手之一。
Its prime audience lies in the 17 to 24 age group, and they want instant thrills and spills.───它的主要观众的年龄集中在17岁到24岁之间,而这些人喜欢极速的惊险刺激。
英语使用场景Drug use in this age group is on the increase.
He was best in his age group - not bad, eh?
Each successive age group wishes to establish itself as being different from its predecessors.
Increasingly deep cleavages separate one age group from another.
The most environmentally aware age group was under 24 or between 35 and 44.
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