作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-03 09:23:31 浏览次数:43
official seal
重点词汇公章───official seal
双语使用场景The document bore an official seal.───这件上盖有官方大印.
The consul proceeded to sign and date the passport, after which he added his official seal.───领事随后签了护照并写上日期, 最后加盖官方印章.
The 18 th each unIt'should send message with written form newspaper, build unit official seal.───第十八条各单位应以书面形式报送信息, 并加盖单位公章.
Above material transcription copy type six also all must cap the official seal completely.───以上资料副本复印件一式六份且全部都需加盖公章.
A department manager, have lost a bag when they go out, which in addition to some money, as well as the company's official seal.───有一位部门经理,有一次外出时丢失了手提包,里面除了一些钱物,还有公司的公章。
Take all external certificates; Take official seal.───保管所有对外的证件所有的公司 图章 .
Since special official seal is used, the bill that infringe provides hard pass a barrier.───非凡公章使用以来, 违犯规定的票据难以过关.
SEAL The paper had been stamped with the required official seal.───这份文件已印有必需的官府封印.
英语使用场景Please fill in the Application Form and post or fax it to the preparatory committee with official seal.
When Shudan bustled in preparing the official seal, Boyi and Shuqi discussed the situation in private.
This application form is a valid contract when with the authorized signature and the official seal.
Article 19. Holders of temporary export licenses shall, at the time of applying for licenses, fill in the Application Form for Licenses according to the facts and stamp on the forms the official seal.
Our Certificate of Quality is means of the official seal.
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