作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-06 15:53:23 浏览次数:71
The people I like are excellent
重点词汇我喜欢───I like it;人───people
双语使用场景I like it when you do that.───我喜欢你那样做。
Well, I like it. What do you think?───嗯,我喜欢这个。你认为怎么样?
I like it when she reads to us.───我很喜欢她读书给我们听。
Is all of a sudden, his smile a little stiff, eyes inadvertently wrinkled, I like it, I seem to be from his eyes flashed a desolate.───是突然之间吧,他的笑容有一点点僵硬,眉头不经意地皱了一下,是我的错觉吗,我似乎从他的眼睛里看到一丝落寞一闪而过。
Yeah, I like it a lot, so you think the kids are gonna be upset about this?───是的,我很喜欢它,所以你认为孩子们会担心这个?
As an expatriate for a few years to see if I like it or not.───作为一个外籍几年来看看我喜欢还是不喜欢。
英语使用场景I like it well.
Well, I like it. What do you think?
I do it because I like it.
I like it when you do that.
I'll explain you why I like it.
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