鍦敤鑻辫鎬庝箞璇確鍦嫳鏂囨€庝箞鍐?- 鎴愭ⅵ璇嶅吀
作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-09-22 21:14:29 浏览次数:26
鍙岃浣跨敤鍦烘櫙He is my bridge partner.鈹€鈹€鈹€浠栨槸鎴戠殑妗ョ墝鎼。.
They contracted to build the new bridge.鈹€鈹€鈹€浠栦滑绛捐鍚堝悓閫犳柊妗?
The bridge was destroyed, so we couldn't get across.鈹€鈹€鈹€妗ヨ姣佸潖, 鎴戜滑鏃犳硶閫氳繃.
The bridge is dangerous to cross.鈹€鈹€鈹€杩囬偅搴фˉ鏄嵄闄╃殑.
They were working under the gun to get the bridge repaired before the rainy season set in.鈹€鈹€鈹€浠栦滑鍏ㄥ姏浠ヨ荡,浠ヤ究鍦ㄩ洦瀛e埌鏉ヤ箣鍓嶆妸妗ヤ慨澶?
I am enthusiastic over a project for building a new bridge.鈹€鈹€鈹€鎴戠儹琛蜂簬淇缓涓€搴ф柊妗ョ殑璁″垝.
As long as I live, the bridge lives.鈹€鈹€鈹€浜哄湪, 妗ュ氨鍦?
People streamed across the bridge.鈹€鈹€鈹€妗ヤ笂琛屼汉宸濇祦涓嶆伅銆?/p> 鑻辫浣跨敤鍦烘櫙
After the bridge, the road straightens out.
He walked back over the railway bridge.
Let every man praise the bridge he goes over.
Let every man speak well of the bridge theat carries him over.
Let's cross the bridge when we come to it.
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